Sunday, July 10, 2011

Louis Vuitton Ailleurs in a limited edition

Sweden collectively create the world's first wearable magazine Everyone likes to get something in the mail. Whether Louis Vuitton Ailleurs is a health-care package from Grandma to the season's latest product catalog, theres something about getting through the traditional channels of exciting things (even in this era of e-mail and fax). Today, record companies like to kill rock stars mail order gifts and packages are still available and a Swedish company revolutionized the way we passed our newspaper look. T - after claiming to , the world's first wearable magazine, actually printed in a limited edition (comfort) cotton T-related news pieces, and send it to your door.

How T - job position, every six weeks, the user received the message of a new T-shirt. News stories on the inside. Sign up artist front.Once your T-shirts start coming.T positions T-shirt most of the explanation is that magazine. Just like your favorite paper magazine, our users do not know what the story is about or design, until they get it Louis Vuitton Spring Summer 2011. It's like a surprise in the mail to get a birthday gift each T - after a month.The editing process work much like any other magazine, except we can only choose to keep a current affairs issue month.To T - are interested in jobs, Our designers work with each new T-shirt. Always looking for new talent and interesting designs to keep the same story in inside.

In addition, T - after the green-friendly, using only organic American Apparel shirts, and ensure that they produce just as many shirts as their users. In addition, theres a nice DIY feel of the T, they only owe the radar artists, as well as locals and friends constitute the model features. As for their marketing budget, T - after an underground phenomenon, as friends, we have grown and organic integrity. Third, we must keep it that way. We DONT create ads. We create the dialog box. We listen. We believe that Louis Vuitton Outlet tell people that the company is. Instead, we believe that our customers only the family. Our fans do we like the advertising is only a: word, mouth.

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