Saturday, October 8, 2011

And meizitang will help you lose weight in autumn

In all of the food, cucumber is the most effective. Cucumber with sweet and mild. It is clear the internal heat, and effectively remove toxins. When you are thirsty, it is also a good choice produce saliva, and thirst. Is rich in sugar, vitamin B2, carotene, calcium and iron, but also some of its fibers, which will help detoxification. arsg cucumber can promote metabolism and excretion of toxins. Replica Louis Vuitton Cucumber vitamin C four times more than the watermelon. Vitamin C helps whiten the skin, maintain skin elasticity, prevent the formation of melanin. In addition, the cucumber can prevent from being converted into fat, which will benefit the lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretion systems of sugar. If you are likely to feel upset, thirsty, you should eat more cucumbers.Mung bean is also a very good choice, clear internal heat, expel toxins. Sweet bean with, cold.
It is clear the internal heat, emit toxins. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is often used for detoxification of some toxic drugs or food. Is rich in vitamin B2, glucose, protein, amylase, and calcium and so on. It can help the body excrete toxins, and promote the body's normal metabolism, as meizitang will do. Sometimes itchy skin, acne, and heat rash after eating greasy fried foods, will be trapped in the skin due to toxins. Green beans with a strong detoxification, the expulsion of toxins. Green beans, not only can reduce blood cholesterol levels, but also protect the liver. If you add some honey, green bean soup, taste and effects will better.botanical weight loss is good.The third list of kelp. Taste salty, phlegm, anti-inflammatory, asthma, eliminate toxins, promote bowel movement. Kelp iodine can be completely digested by the body to promote and inflammatory exudation of toxic substances in the body of the emissions.
In addition, sulfated polysaccharides, cholesterol in the blood vessels in the digestive better fulfill their bodies. That iodine deficiency goiter or other diseases, how much to eat seaweed. Moreover, it is suitable for those with hypertension, drug toxicity, and edema. These people should not take meizitang pills, but you can try a special direction.Next is the milk, it can clear liver heat. Many people think that milk will increase feelings of heat and cause damage. In fact, according meizitang, milk does not cause internal heat, but will remove liver detoxification and fever. According to traditional Chinese medicine, milk has a cold nature. It can strengthen the body fluid to treat deficiency and clear internal heat. 70 water in milk, it can add water loss due to sweating. But we must remember that not all of the nutritional frozen milk will be frozen after the destruction.Last but not least, the honey is also very good clean interior heat.

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